Clayton Hall Academy, Clayton Lane, Newcastle, Staffordshire. ST5 3DN
Part of Windsor Academy Trust


Our Curriculum Intent 

The Digital Studies curriculum at Clayton Hall Academy will prepare students to be leaders in technology and not just be led by it.  Technology is everywhere and will always be an integral part of their lives.  Our students deserve a curriculum which prepares them for the digital and fast paced world we live in, preparing them for jobs, including those that may not exist yet.  We will provide opportunities that allow students to develop a knowledge of a range of ICT, digital literacy and computing skills in KS3.  Our subjects draw on different disciplines and embed high quality literacy skills through analysis and evaluation techniques in real world projects.

As students progress to KS4, they can choose an area to study within the department.  Creative iMedia, which is a subject that allows for a deeper study of digital sectors and potential career paths and with the skills developed at KS3, will equip students with the confidence and ability to tackle and solve real world problems.  They will understand how to respond to client requirements, plan projects and present their ideas.  Whether looking to work in the digital industry or use their skills in another area, students will have gained transferable skills such as the ability to be creative and innovative.  We want our students to enjoy the journey and to develop a desire to impact and adapt the media that is a part of our everyday lives.

ICT Road Map 2023



Key Stage 4 Examination Overview 

Exam Board Details: OCR 

OCR R081 25% Examination 

R082/R087/R086 75% Controlled Assessments 

What resources could I buy or borrow that will help my child? 

School revision resources for R081 

OCR Cambridge Nationals revision guide: Pre-production skills and creating digital graphics.  ISBN 978 1471 886683 

What are the key websites or Apps that my child could use? 

OCR Creative I-Media 

What can I do to encourage my child to take a further interest in Digital Studies and Creative I-Media? 

Talk to child about their lessons 

Investigate Creative I-Media in everyday life – book covers, animation, websites, posters etc 

What after school or other extracurricular activities are available in Digital Studies and Creative I-Media and when are they? 

Coursework and revision support sessions with staff 

Email links 

To find out more about the curriculum we are studying please contact staff via email